thin is beautiful, even thinner is perfection.
as far as you're concerned, i do not have a name :) this is my blog which i will be updating daily (without fail) with quotes, images, thinspiration, website reccomendations and other pretty things :) the images on this blog are not horrifying like on most pro-ana/thinspo blogs, just healthy looking BUT skinny girls. take a look and follow me :)
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Salty Snack Foods (chips, pretzels, crackers)
Spicy Foods (Mexican, Thai)
Liquid Cravings (soda, diet soda, coffee, juice)
Nuts and Peanut Butter
Breads, Rice, and Pasta
Cookies, Cakes, and Pies
Candy Cravings
High-Fat Foods (Fries, milk shakes)
Todays tips are on what to do instead of eating. They will keep your mind and body out of the kitchen and focused on your weight loss.
1. Clean house! Get busy "hoeing and throwing," go through old stuff and purge out what you don't wear, don't want, don't need anymore. Dust. Vaccuum. Scrub. Keep busy! It engages the attention and keeps the thoughts off food. If you're a teen, your mom will be amazed and VERY grateful, so grateful she'll forget to nag you about food! If you're an adult, you'll thank yourself when you're done!
2. Keep sipping on that lemon-water, tea, or diet pepsi while you work! Keeps the tummy sated so it won't growl at ya.
3. Put on some music and dance! Or keep the tunes rolling while you clean house, it keeps the work from getting boring and you can boogie while you sweat!
4. Work on your new pro-ana website, Thinspiration journal, or update your online ana journal.
5. Network with other pro-anas through chat, email, messenger or club sites -- get some support and motivation from your sisters/brothers when you NEED it!
6. Put together a pro-ana scrapbook (or add some new things if you already have one) with lists of safe foods, low-cal, low-fat, low-carb recipes, word collages, and of course, TRIGGER PICS!!! This is also a Thinspo Journal. When your not reading it think of it. When your tempted, work on it. As a reward, buy things for it.
7. Surf the web and make a list of all the pro-ana sites you can find, or all the safe-food sites you can find, or all the places online where you can buy diet pills, shake mixes, etc. These lists are VERY handy for research and sharing with others!
8.Get up and active! do anything. Take 5 minutes to just jump around. Jump. Swing your arms. Better yet, do it with weights in your hands. move your legs! up, down, around, left, right, whatever!! just move around and try not to get dizzy.
9. Count to 100. Hold your breath. try to count to 1 from 100 backwards. This will take up some time.
10. CHUG IT!!! chug all of the water you can until you feel sick. It will help with your weight, And will more then likely curb your appitiete.
11. Call your friend and chat. Or your boyfriend better yet. Or make something for a loved one
12. Name someone you know going down the alpabet a. alicia, b. bonnie, c. Claire
13. Wait at least 20 minutes until you binge. You will see why...
14. Sit your self down. Write on a peice of paper a series of questions. Am i really hungry? or is the food just looking really good. Talk about your goals and how you want to see your future.
15. Plan out what your going to be doing every single minute for 2 hours. 1:30 walk my dog. 1:45 call my bff 2:00 take a shower 2:30 lift weights..... you get the idea.
♥stay strong♥
Blog Archive
- No title
- im tired of being a fat bitch.i could literally cr...
- Why we crave certain foods. & How to avoid it. Dai...
- 1. make everything you try on look awesome.2. cons...
- Because Everyone will envy meBecause I will have s...
- Todays tips are on what to do instead of eating. T...
- i've realised that one of the main things i hate ...
- so my mum just came home with paranormal activity ...
- oookay, i'm making this blog because i am sick and...