as far as you're concerned, i do not have a name :) this is my blog which i will be updating daily (without fail) with quotes, images, thinspiration, website reccomendations and other pretty things :) the images on this blog are not horrifying like on most pro-ana/thinspo blogs, just healthy looking BUT skinny girls. take a look and follow me :)

Wednesday 24 March 2010


if she can do it, SO CAN I.

im tired of being a fat bitch.
i could literally cry right now.
waiting for my mum to get home from work so she can take me to the pharmacist and get my lipotrim..
nervous/exited? i dont know.. i just want this over with.
if i'm not 98lbs before september i'll go CRAZY.
wanting to look like nicole richie isn't too far-fetched is it?
i just want to eat something so bad, i've not eaten all day and i'm already CRAVING chocolate and a bbq chicken wrap =[
sometimes i just feel like i'm gona be like this forever.
that's it. today is it. i will be fat no longer.
i am sick of weighing 200lbs and seeing girls complaining that they weigh 130!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am sick and tired of it. i want to be the one complaining that i weigh 110 =[
but no

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Why we crave certain foods. & How to avoid it.
Dairy Cravings (milk, yogurt, ice cream)
A natural anti-depressant ~ exercise aerobically (boosts endorphins), write about your blue mood in a journal or have a good cry, and/or use affirmations. a. I am safe and secure b. I give myself permission to relax c. All my needs are taken care of, right now.

Salty Snack Foods (chips, pretzels, crackers)
Often used to relieve stress because the crunching motion releases tension in the jaw and other muscles. Throw out the tempting food, address the source of your tension, stress, or anxiety, and/or exercise.

Spicy Foods (Mexican, Thai)
Stimulation and pain relief. Make sure that you have fun with life, and cultivate your enthusiasm for a hobby, a class, or a personal goal, so that you have plenty of energy and excitement without having to eat these types of foods.

Liquid Cravings (soda, diet soda, coffee, juice)
May correspond for unfufilled romantic needs or desires, or need for steady energy throughout the day. Instead of filling up on these drinks, exercise and seek loving relationships, and make sure that you get plenty of rest at night.

Nuts and Peanut Butter
Cravings for fun, enjoyment, and relaxation. Better ways to fulfill these cravings include scheduling a period of time each day that is for you to unwind after stressful interactions or performances (such as after school), working out (helps relax the body), and/or finding a hobby that is entertaining and engaging.

Breads, Rice, and Pasta
These are comforting, calming foods, so cravings for them suggest that you are insecure, anxious, or fearful about something. In order to reduce them, find other ways to console yourself ~ such as hugging a stuffed animal, curling up in a fetal position, or curling up in a favorite blanket, exercise to release your stress, and address the sources of negative emotions.

Cookies, Cakes, and Pies
Cravings for these foods may indicate that you are using food as a reward for accomplishments, using sweet, rich foods to replace love in your life, or using their tastes and textures to reassure yourself that everything will be fine. Perhaps instead you could establish non-food rewards for your achievements, seek out/cultivate loving relationships in which you are nurtured, or find other ways (such as bubble baths, facials, afternoon naps in the sun) to indulge yourself.

Candy Cravings
Candy can function as a quick energy source, self-rewards, and entertainment. You may be able to decrease these cravings by eating fruit rather than candy to keep up your energy, finding other rewards for important accomplishments, and discovering non-food sources of entertainment to bust your boredom.

High-Fat Foods (Fries, milk shakes)
If you crave these types of foods, you may be fearful of feeling empty. Look for ways to fulfill your emotional and physical needs without filling out your hips.
1. make everything you try on look awesome.
2. constant compliments on how great you look.
3. make girls jealous of you.
4. make girls envy you.
5. when someone lifts you wont here them say "god you're heavy".
6. being the thinnest of all your friends.
7. being admired for your control.
8. wont have to hide under baggy clothes anymore.
9. can try swimsuits on WITHOUT the whole crying incident.
10. can actually go to a pool party/beach in a two piece && know people arent staring at the blubber-tard.
11. can change infront of your friends.
12. clothes fit better.
13. can wear short shirts to show off your tiny stomach.
14. people wont call you fat anymore or make "jokes" about you.
15. when they're tlking about fat people...they wont be able to look at you.
16. be able to wear flats again! cus you wont look wide.
17. be able to wear a skirt because NO MORE THUNDER THIGHS!
18. can actually wear horizontal stripes... yes?
19. wear skinny jeans and make them look good.
20. can sit on someones lap without breaking them in half.
21. being the one that gets approached with compliments instead of your best friend.
22. maybe getting noticed and asked to model?
23. can sit on someones shoulders and not your dads like when you were 2.
24. no cellulite.
25. no wings.
26. who wears short shorts? now you can answer that with an "i do."
27. make people stare && ponder "whos the skinny gorgeous girl with the big sunglasses".
28. make the people who hurt you feel fat and ugly and stupid.
29. FINALLY confidence!
30. can get a boyfriend.
31. let someone hold you by the waist without constant fear of them saying something about the love handles.
32. wen you look in the mirror... you wont feel like crying.
33. have people say "you look too thin" i LOVE that.
34. not have to suck in the tummy anymore.
35. feel happy, beautiful, gorgeous, satisfied... you're thin.
Because Everyone will envy me
Because I will have so much confidence
Because I will look good in any outfit
Because I will not be jealous of anyone
Because I will not be self-conscious
Because I am sick of this cycle of eating
Because I havent succeeded yet
Because I dont want to be crazy forever
Because I want to be better
Because I dont want to be fat
Because Fat is hideous
Because I am not comfortable in my own skin
Because I will be
Because It is all I can think about
Because Ive come this far
Because I am sick of waiting
Because My boyfriend will have perfect girl
Because I want her to be me
Because I am stronger than food
Because I am stronger than genetics
Because Food poisons me
Because Food makes me physically ill
Because God gave me willpower
Because Food is evil
Because I have to break the addiction
Because I will hate myself if I dont
Because I cry every night out of disgust at myself
Because I am afraid to weigh myself
Because The glory will be mine
Because I have to endure
Because I can be perfect, I just have to be strong
Because Of yesterday
Because Of tomorrow
Because OF TODAY
Because I will surprise everyone
Because My bones are almost showing
Because Food isnt good for anything
Because Ive let myself go too much
Because Carbohydrates are the devil
Because I wont get any satisfaction from eating
Because Everyone thinks I cant do it
Because No one takes me seriously
Because I cry when I look in the mirror
Because It will make me happy
Because Tomorrow never comes
Because I will prove that I can succeed
Because Ive wanted this for years
Because I can do it!
Because Im almost there
Because Ive worked so hard
Because I will be xsmall and size 0
Because I dont deserve to eat yet
Because Every guy will want me
Because Every girl will want to be me
Because I will be better than everyone
Because I will look better than everyone
Because I want to be happy with myself
Because The scale tells the truth
Because I will find him and he will want me forever
Because I will beat the odds
Because I will do whatever it takes
Because I dont need food to survive
Because taste never lasts
Because Weight lasts forever
Because 3500 cals in 1 lb
Because 100 cals = running 1 mile
Because Im almost there
Because Imagine how GW will feel
Because Imagine how GW will look
Because MK can do it, I can too
Because I will love myself for once
Because double-digits have been my dream
Because Im so close
Because Hard work WILL pay off
Because I will look like a model
Because Food is overrated
Because I am better than that
Because No one wants a cow

Todays tips are on what to do instead of eating. They will keep your mind and body out of the kitchen and focused on your weight loss.
1. Clean house! Get busy "hoeing and throwing," go through old stuff and purge out what you don't wear, don't want, don't need anymore. Dust. Vaccuum. Scrub. Keep busy! It engages the attention and keeps the thoughts off food. If you're a teen, your mom will be amazed and VERY grateful, so grateful she'll forget to nag you about food! If you're an adult, you'll thank yourself when you're done!
2. Keep sipping on that lemon-water, tea, or diet pepsi while you work! Keeps the tummy sated so it won't growl at ya.
3. Put on some music and dance! Or keep the tunes rolling while you clean house, it keeps the work from getting boring and you can boogie while you sweat!
4. Work on your new pro-ana website, Thinspiration journal, or update your online ana journal.
5. Network with other pro-anas through chat, email, messenger or club sites -- get some support and motivation from your sisters/brothers when you NEED it!
6. Put together a pro-ana scrapbook (or add some new things if you already have one) with lists of safe foods, low-cal, low-fat, low-carb recipes, word collages, and of course, TRIGGER PICS!!! This is also a Thinspo Journal. When your not reading it think of it. When your tempted, work on it. As a reward, buy things for it.
7. Surf the web and make a list of all the pro-ana sites you can find, or all the safe-food sites you can find, or all the places online where you can buy diet pills, shake mixes, etc. These lists are VERY handy for research and sharing with others!
8.Get up and active! do anything. Take 5 minutes to just jump around. Jump. Swing your arms. Better yet, do it with weights in your hands. move your legs! up, down, around, left, right, whatever!! just move around and try not to get dizzy.
9. Count to 100. Hold your breath. try to count to 1 from 100 backwards. This will take up some time.
10. CHUG IT!!! chug all of the water you can until you feel sick. It will help with your weight, And will more then likely curb your appitiete.
11. Call your friend and chat. Or your boyfriend better yet. Or make something for a loved one
12. Name someone you know going down the alpabet a. alicia, b. bonnie, c. Claire
13. Wait at least 20 minutes until you binge. You will see why...
14. Sit your self down. Write on a peice of paper a series of questions. Am i really hungry? or is the food just looking really good. Talk about your goals and how you want to see your future.
15. Plan out what your going to be doing every single minute for 2 hours. 1:30 walk my dog. 1:45 call my bff 2:00 take a shower 2:30 lift weights..... you get the idea.
♥stay strong♥

Monday 22 March 2010

i've realised that one of the main things i hate about not being thin is that skinny girls even look hot on 'lazy days'.

here are a few goals that i would like to achieve by the end of 2010:
  • weigh exactly 100 lbs or UNDER.
  • dye the top half of my hair red.
  • make money.
  • wear really hot clothes.
  • get two microdermals in my hips just like the photo above♥.
  • be condfident.
  • have a serious relationship.
  • move out.
  • get a car.
  • learn to drive.
  • get into college.

so my mum just came home with paranormal activity on dvd which i'm extremely happy about, BUT she also brought me a kfc and my favourite thick choc milkshake :(
oh well, i'm not starting my diet untill wednesday anyway so i can let myself go a bit until when i've started on lipotrim the weight will be dropping off me :)

i've not thought about anything else for WEEKS. i'm finally going to do it, i'm finally going to be thin!
i've spent literally all day looking at thinspo on the internet and thinking about how pretty i'll be when i'm at 100 lbs.
i'm starting a college course this september and i would like to have lost all of the weight by then, i'd like to be able to get a boyfriend, too :)

"thin is perfection, i'll die trying to achieve it"
oookay, i'm making this blog because i am sick and tired of being F A T, and it's about time i did something about it. i am going to highlight the word F A T in red because i want it to stand out, if it stands out i cannot ignore the fact that I AM FAT.
i have also highlighted other important things:)
i am hoping that out there, there will be a few girls who feel the way i do, so that we are able to support eachother in losing weight etc. i have been diagnosed with servere depression and it's ALL down to my weight. i weigh 200 lbs and to me, that's D I S C U S T I N G.
here are a few of my problems:
  • i cannot leave the house.
  • if i DO leave the house, it won't be for very long as i feel that people are "staring" at me.
  • i often look at thin girls and it makes me angry.
  • i recently realised that i am the girl who gets rejected a lot.
  • A LOT of people have called me fat in the past, more than i can even think to count.
  • i no longer want to be the girl that gets laughed at for wearing makeup. a THIN girl wouldn't get laughed at if she wore makeup, right?
  • i am constantly being patronised by my "friends" - "i think it's great that a girl YOUR SIZE can wear makeup and dress nice and still be confident :)"

on wednesday, i am starting the LIPOTRIM diet.. basically when you are on it, you are starving yourself. i am wanting to lose 7 stone, my goal weight is 100 lbs and with lipotrim [from what ive heard and seen of it] it shouldn't be that hard :) i read reviews on the internet and EVERY review i have read says that it works amazingly, i'm sooo exited <3. i am 100% prepared to starve myself and live on discusting milkshakes for a few months if it means losing 7 stone! WOW. i often think about how amazing i'm going to feel when i leave the house in 3 months and everyones jaw DROPS.

"i'd rather be a skinny bitch than a fat sweetheart."

i will be updating this page DAILY with quotes, pictures, my diary and lots of other pretty stuff :)
