as far as you're concerned, i do not have a name :) this is my blog which i will be updating daily (without fail) with quotes, images, thinspiration, website reccomendations and other pretty things :) the images on this blog are not horrifying like on most pro-ana/thinspo blogs, just healthy looking BUT skinny girls. take a look and follow me :)

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

1. make everything you try on look awesome.
2. constant compliments on how great you look.
3. make girls jealous of you.
4. make girls envy you.
5. when someone lifts you wont here them say "god you're heavy".
6. being the thinnest of all your friends.
7. being admired for your control.
8. wont have to hide under baggy clothes anymore.
9. can try swimsuits on WITHOUT the whole crying incident.
10. can actually go to a pool party/beach in a two piece && know people arent staring at the blubber-tard.
11. can change infront of your friends.
12. clothes fit better.
13. can wear short shirts to show off your tiny stomach.
14. people wont call you fat anymore or make "jokes" about you.
15. when they're tlking about fat people...they wont be able to look at you.
16. be able to wear flats again! cus you wont look wide.
17. be able to wear a skirt because NO MORE THUNDER THIGHS!
18. can actually wear horizontal stripes... yes?
19. wear skinny jeans and make them look good.
20. can sit on someones lap without breaking them in half.
21. being the one that gets approached with compliments instead of your best friend.
22. maybe getting noticed and asked to model?
23. can sit on someones shoulders and not your dads like when you were 2.
24. no cellulite.
25. no wings.
26. who wears short shorts? now you can answer that with an "i do."
27. make people stare && ponder "whos the skinny gorgeous girl with the big sunglasses".
28. make the people who hurt you feel fat and ugly and stupid.
29. FINALLY confidence!
30. can get a boyfriend.
31. let someone hold you by the waist without constant fear of them saying something about the love handles.
32. wen you look in the mirror... you wont feel like crying.
33. have people say "you look too thin" i LOVE that.
34. not have to suck in the tummy anymore.
35. feel happy, beautiful, gorgeous, satisfied... you're thin.

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